- Alangium
- Alder Buckthorn
- Althea
- American Holly
- Andromeda
- Apricot tree
- Baccharis
- Baccharis
- Beautyberry
- Berberis
- Bird-of-Paradise Tree
- Black currant
- Bladdernut
- Bladder senna
- Bottle-brush
- Border border-forsythia
- Boxwood
- Buckthorn
- Butterfly Tree
- Camellia
- Cercidiphyllum
- Chionantha
- Chokeberry
- Clerodendron
- Coriaria myrtifolia
- Cotoneaster affinis
- Crepe myrtle
- Deutzia
- Dogwood
- Flowering Dogwood
- Pagoda Dogwood
- P. Dogwood variegated
- Elaeagnus
- Elder
- Euonymus
- Feltleaf feltleaf-ceanothus
- Garrya
- Glossy abelia
- Hazel
- Honeysuckle
- Hydrangea
- Juniper
- Katsura
- Kerria
- Kiwi Tree
- Kolkwitzia
- Lacquer Tree
- Laurestine
- Lilac
- Magnolia
- Mandarin orange
- Medlar
- Mexican Orange
- Myrtle luma
- Narrow leaved phillyrea
- Ninebark
- Oleander splendum gigantum
- Peach
- Persian Ironwood
- Photinia
- Pistachio
- Pittosporum
- Plum yew
- Pomegranate
- Quince
- Redclaws
- Red currant
- Scarlet Firethorn
- Sea Buckthorn
- Seringat
- Silverbell
- Smoke Tree
- Snowy Mespilus
- Spanish Broom
- Spirea
- Stachyurus
- Strawberry Tree
- Sweet shrub
- Tall Oregon Grape
- Trifoliate Orange
- Weigela
- Wintersweet
- Witch Hazel
- Xanthoceras
- Yellow Rhododendron
False Cotton, Baccharis halimifoliashrub of the family AsteraceaeEtymology: the name "false cotton" comes from the appearance of the fruits, with filaments like cotton-wool which the wind disperses. It is a shrub pervading that you should not introduce without knowing its impact on the indigenous plants. On the banks of the Basin of Arcachon and of the Morbihan (Quiberon, Gâvres), it tends to replace the local flora by forming particularly prolific shrubs. Its reproduction capacity (up to a million seeds on a female foot, the life of a seed being of 5 years) and its adaptability makes it a formidable invasive plant. As it suckers from the roots, it is necessary to root it out to get rid of it. |
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