
Palm or Date palm

The palm is not a tree, but a monocotyledonous. The stipe is in the palm what the trunk is in the tree. It supports the terminal leaves. It is formed by the fibrous stalks, piled leaves.

Etymology: its Latin name is Phoenix dactylifera because it was known to Phoenicians since the earliest times.
Origin: Asia, West and North of Africa. The only palm native to France is Chamaerops humilis. All other palms were imported.
Habitat: arid zones.
Hardiness: most palms do not support severe winters. However, the palm Trachycarpus fortunei grows in the mountains of the Himalayas where it encounters snowy winters.
Lifespan: 100 years.
Height: 30 m tall.
Persistent foliage: leaves are tough and pinnate "palms". A palm is made up of several entire, narrow and pointed elements and about 40 cm long.
Inflorescence raised to the apex, composed of numerous flowers in bunch (10.000 flowers by inflorescence). The male and female flowers are distinct and carried by different subjects.
Fruit: berry with sweet pulp, of 3 cm, oblong.
Uses: Date Palm is typically cultivated in the Saharan oases. Production varies from 10 to 100 kg per tree with a normal return average 50 kg per tree, and that during a century by tree. One hectare of palm produces about 6000 kg. The date is sun dried and candied, and it can be preserved. For lack of wood, the trunk of the palm is used in the construction of huts. The palms are involved in the coverage of these huts.

Song on palms: Tous les palmiers of Nice Damage.

Other species: there are 2600 species of palms (Brahea armata, Butia capitata, Canariensis, Chamaerops humilis, Trachycarpus, Sabal minor, Jubea chilensis, Nannorhops, Serenoa regret, Raphidophillum hystix,).

This one is Washingtonia filifera, or Palm of California. It grows easily in the South of France.
It was named Washingtonia, in honor of George Washington (1732-1799) first president of USA and Filifera, from Latin "filifera", "which produces fibres".
Origin: California, Arizona, Mexico
Habitat: support the poor, arid soils.
Height: 15 m, 60-80 cm in diameter.
Trunk: compact, cracked, constituted by the bases of ancient leaves.
Webbed leaves, of 1,5-2 m of long, composed of 50-80 elements. The petiole is toothed.
Flower: white, of 3-5 m, born at the base of leaves.
Fruit: ovoid, of 0,6 cm in diameter.

Advices of planting:

Palm trees grow in temperate climate at the condition of taking some precautions: first, they must be planted after the winter, when the earth has warmed. But the problem is the cold: the palm trees can not withstand very cold winters (temperatures extended below - 10 ° in a dry cold, or - 5°C or 23°F wet). They will resist better if the soil is well drained, south exposure, preferably at the foot of a wall that reflects light and heat. Before the cold days, gather and tie the leaves together, possibly under cover while allowing air to circulate. Also protect the base with straw, or bark (which bought in garden) or dead leaves do not rot too quickly (eg oak, chestnut).


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