- Alangium
- Alder Buckthorn
- Althea
- American Holly
- Andromeda
- Apricot tree
- Baccharis
- Baccharis
- Beautyberry
- Berberis
- Bird-of-Paradise Tree
- Black currant
- Bladdernut
- Bladder senna
- Bottle-brush
- Border border-forsythia
- Boxwood
- Buckthorn
- Butterfly Tree
- Camellia
- Cercidiphyllum
- Chionantha
- Chokeberry
- Clerodendron
- Coriaria myrtifolia
- Cotoneaster affinis
- Crepe myrtle
- Deutzia
- Dogwood
- Flowering Dogwood
- Pagoda Dogwood
- P. Dogwood variegated
- Elaeagnus
- Elder
- Euonymus
- Feltleaf feltleaf-ceanothus
- Garrya
- Glossy abelia
- Hazel
- Honeysuckle
- Hydrangea
- Juniper
- Katsura
- Kerria
- Kiwi Tree
- Kolkwitzia
- Lacquer Tree
- Laurestine
- Lilac
- Magnolia
- Mandarin orange
- Medlar
- Mexican Orange
- Myrtle luma
- Narrow leaved phillyrea
- Ninebark
- Oleander splendum gigantum
- Peach
- Persian Ironwood
- Photinia
- Pistachio
- Pittosporum
- Plum yew
- Pomegranate
- Quince
- Redclaws
- Red currant
- Scarlet Firethorn
- Sea Buckthorn
- Seringat
- Silverbell
- Smoke Tree
- Snowy Mespilus
- Spanish Broom
- Spirea
- Stachyurus
- Strawberry Tree
- Sweet shrub
- Tall Oregon Grape
- Trifoliate Orange
- Weigela
- Wintersweet
- Witch Hazel
- Xanthoceras
- Yellow Rhododendron
Snow tree, tree with fringes of China, Chionanthus retusustree of the family Oleaceae (Ash, Olive tree, Osmanthus)Etymology: from Greek Chiôn, "snow" and Anthos, "flower". Origin: China, Korea and Japan from where it was imported in 1845 by Robert Fortune. American species: Chionanthus virginicus, Fringe tree, Grancy Graybeard or Old Man' s Beard is originated from southeast of the United States. Habitat: humid and sunny situations, soil humid, well drained. Shape: spherical with graduated crown. Hardiness: zone 6 (Chionanthus virginicus supports cold until -23 °C or -9 °F). Height: 5-8 m tall. Trunk: often several trunks. Bark: exfoliating. Deciduous foliage. Entire, oval, opposite leaves, acuminate, petiolate, 20 cm long. Smooth margin (or finely toothed). They turn progressively to gold yellow in autumn. Small flowers, of colour white, grouped in panicles. They bloom at the same time as the foliage, in May-June. They have 4 oblong and fine petals. Chionanthus retusus is a dioecious species (male foot distinct from the female foot). The male feet carry a very abundant blossoming (but somewhat odorous), which confers a decorative interest to this tree. Fruit: blackish blue drupe appearing in September. |
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