

You can search an advice in many situations:

  1. Development of a ground - planting of ornamental trees.
    You want to develop a land, a garden, a park with ornamental trees or fruit trees.
    You should prepare a sketch or plot plan with statement of slopes and flow (or better, a topographic map), and call a landscaper. He will visit the site, take pictures, note the peculiarities of the environment: the neighboring woods, building to hide, existing house or building, existing trees, paths, spaces (kitchen garden, playground, parking lot).
    Remember that neighborhood rules must be respected (minimum distances to neighbors), and technical requirements (distances from built to prevent the roots from damaging them).
  2. distance of plantations to a neighbouring property
    By plantations, any species of trees, shrubs or shrubs are understood. Plantations in fruit-walls are excluded since they do not exceed the crest of the wall.
    There are particular regulations or constant local manners and admitted which, all times when they exist, dominate on law. They allow to plant trees, shrubs or shrubs at a minimal distance of, for example, 0,50 metre of the border fragmented in France. The height of plantations cannot then exceed 2 metres; this border disappears when plantations are established in at least 2 metres of the border of properties.
    To note, some precision of practical order:
    distance is measured from the middle of the trunk;
    height is counted since the soil where the tree is planted up to the highest patch of the tree;

  3. You choose a tree according to...

  4. its usage (fruit, decorative, shade, windcheater, cut-view),
    the foliage type (Deciduous, Evergreen, semi-evergreen),
    its growth and its form (outline),
    its period of blossoming and the colour of flowers,
    the colour of leaves in summer and in autumn (even if it does not last),
    its habitat (Shadow, Mi shade, the Sun),
    the climate of your ground (very dry, dry, normal, humid, saturated, sea air),
    the soil (Poor, normal, rich),
    the humidity of the soil (very dry, dry, normal / medium, cool / humid, dipped / feet into the water)
    the pH of the soil (very acid, acid / neutral, neutral, neutral / calcareous, active Limestone),
    its grown-up dimension.
    Find on this page of many advice of planting.

  5. You search a shrub according to...
    its period of blossoming or its fruits in winter to gladden your garden...
    Go to this page.
  6. or for a hedge: list of the adapted shrubs.

  7. Your trees grew and it is necessary to prune them

  8. You wonder about advantageous period, about technology, about tools, about care to be brought, on risks
    of illness.
    Books answer these questions.
    You can call an agricultural and land expert or a forest expert.
    Pages following give you some advice :
    Pruning of the fruit trees

  9. Maintain your trees

  10. Do not wait that your trees carry signs of illness or of ageing, to preoccupy you of their health. The pruning, recalled above, is part of the common maintenance of trees, because it allows to eliminate the dead branches likely to go rot and to attract harmful insects. Prune, by giving more light in the middle of the tree reanimates the foliage. Preventive treatments allow to move away the harmful insects, without abusing it however..

  11. Your trees show signs of illness or of deterioration
    This subject is large.
    You can ask your question, by giving most detail in the forum.
    Do not put comment in rubric 'comment ' of every page, because this rubric is not envisaged with this effect. The site of INRA contains pages describing pathogenic agents (bacteria, mushrooms, virus) important in Western Europe and a glossary of the terms of plant Pathology. It treats all the vegetables, plants and trees. Among trees, the fruit trees are the most fragile and those on which most attention is turned, because of their capacity to be produced.
    Finally, a list of phytosanitary products was established for the fruit trees, but to apply them it is deeply recommended to read the notes of packing or to perform researches on the specialised sites.
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