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Douglas fir or False Hemlock, Pseudohemlock menziesii

Contrary to what its name suggests, it does not belong to the genus of fir (Abies), but it is linked to Pseudotsuga.
Origin: North America (discovered by Menzies in 1795), introduced into France by Douglas, in 1827. It spread well, covering 2,4 % French forests (see the distribution map of the French forest).
Habitat: sour, humid soils.
Lifespan: 500 years.
Height: 50 m tall.
Shape: conical, branches whorled.
Right trunk.

Cracked bark, of brown-red colour (click on bark).

Needles in bottlebrush (radiant around the stem), flexible, arched, without white bands marked in the back.
5-8 cm cones, pendulous as those of the Norway Spruce, but bracts in three tips are longer than scales and clearer. They have a form of trident. Scales open, like all conifers, with heat to liberate seeds (calyx over the picture below).

Advices of planting:
Well water in the first years, if humidity is deficient. The douglas needs light to grow: plant it insulated, far from any house. If you plant it in a zone subjected to the wind, stake it until it attains 4-5 m tall. This is valid for any tree with form columnar, fastigiate or of a pyramid.

the blue Fir of Douglas, Pseudohemlock menziesii glauca, is appreciated well in gardens for its colour bluish ("glaucous) (").
Habitat: It tolerates the dry soils (the East of the Rocky, to Mexico), unlike its parent, green Douglas.
Height:10 m tall.
Smaller cones (5 cm) than on green Douglas.

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