To identify a tree by its bark - page2 |
Usually, the different types of barks are :
smooth barks,
smooth slightly cracked ,
smooth, fluted,
harsh shedding in strips,
shedding in flakes,
shedding in scales,
stringy cracked (fissures are vertical),
deeply cracked and some other particular (cut up in squares, tormenteds).
Barks smooth
blackish | Snowy Mespilus | gray-green to brownish, hairy |
Bladder senna | white, smooth, shining, marked with horizontal lines. | White Birch | white, smooth, shiny. The bottom of the trunk, and up for the old trees, is cracked with corky ridges in diamond |
Common Birch | dark grey |
Buckthorn | black with purple, sheds in circular strips |
Black Cherry | gold and bright | Cherry Prunus serrula | light grey, cracked in long, dark brown (old tree) | Spanish chestnut | silvery grey |
Red oak | grey-green to green | Laburnum aubour | light grey slightly cracked, cylindrical trunk | Common Beech | silvery gray to dark gray | Copper Beech | silvery grey | Holly | dark grey with some wrinkles | Bay | light grey to dark grey | Magnolia of Soulange | dark grey to reddish-brown | Mimosa | reddish. Trunk very short, very ramified. |
Myrica of marshes | reddish-brown-yellow shedding in fine small strips. Often several trunks. | Hazel | silvery grey | White osier | grey-green, with small rhombs, more and more brought closer in the low part of the trunk as the tree gets old. | White Poplar | grayish resin pockets |
Douglasfir | silvery grey with pustules | Fir pectinate | grayish white, then deeply cracked blackish | Wisconsin Weeping Willow | silvery grey | Goat Willow | light grey. Straight trunk. |
Mountainash | grey with pustules | Sumac | brownish | Tamarisk | grey-green then fissured | Trembling Aspen | light brown with small horizontal dark features | Common privet |
- Smooth barks
slightly cracked grey with whitish stains | Whitebeam | pale grey | Hawthorn | pale grey | White thorn | striated green and white | Maple of Hers, Mottled maple | pale grey | Fig tree | reddish-brown-black | Cherry Plum | reddish-brown-black | prunelier | light grey slightly cracked with bumps | Linden |
- Smooth and
fluted barks
greenish grey | Common Hornbeam | grey with pustules and protuberances | European Hackberry |
- Harsh barks shedding in
dark red-brown |
Arbutus | roses, clearing dark, black zones on old subjects. |
River Birch | white, shining | Birch with boats | horizontal, shining, ruddy reddish-brown | Wild cherry tree | horizontal, shining, blackish | Nerprun purgative |
- Barks shedding in scales...
pale reddish-brown | Catalpa | fibrous reddish-brown-red | Common English Yew | reddish-brown-grey with raised ends | Horsechestnut | thick, grey and ruddy reddish-brown | Larch | ruddy reddish-brown. Shapeless trunk. | Medlar | reddish-brown-grey, in scales on young subjects, in flakes on the oldest | Turkish Filbert | grey clearing green zones | Persian Ironwood | grey clearing green, pink, yellow zones | Pine Napoleon | grey or green (foam), clearing yellowish zones (cambium) | Plane tree |
- Barks shedding in flakes...
grey | Cedar of Lebanon | light brown | Davidia | ruddy reddish-brown with grey | Common Norway Spruce | dark grey clearly and yellowish |
Sycamore |
thick, red-purple | Maritime pine | reddish-brown-red with big vertical grey flakes | Umbrella Pine | grey, blackish to elderly plants, cracked in small scales | Whining pine of Himalya | ruddy reddish-brown on the bottom of the trunk, ferruginous red on the top | Scotch Pine | square to rectangular, dark brown |
Wild pear tree | rectangular dark grey in dark brown | Wild apple tree | yellowish reddish-brown | Black elder | - Barks
cracked dark brown with clearer scales | Hawthorn | black or grey-rose | Judas tree | blackish grey | Alder | reddish-brown-grey, in small squares | Evergreen oak | reddish-brown-black | Service tree | dark grey | Blood dogwood | clearly in dark grey, separated by blades thick corkies | Hedge Maple | grey - lights | Common broom | pale grey | Ginkgo bilobed | dark grey | Liquidambar | with big bumps | Black mulberry | blackish reddish-brown | Smoothleaf Elm | smooth, silvery grey | Mountain elm | reddish-brown-black forming broad flakes | Austrian Pine | light grey, harsh | Hemlock of Canada | black | Tuliptree | light grey to tan, with small white stains |
Viburnum Opulus | - Barks deeply cracked
grey, very thick | Cork oak | harsh, blackish reddish-brown | English Oak | harsh, blackish reddish-brown, divided into small flakes. Tortuous trunk | Pubescent oak | harsh, blackish reddish-brown | Sessile oak | harsh, blackish reddish-brown | Norway Maple | pale grey | Common ash | grey on bottom of pink cambium | Chinaberry | dark grey |
Mirabelle tree | yellow grey | Common Hackberry |
reddish-brown orange, harsh, grooved by ribs, and slightly deeply cracked |
Paper Mulberry |
smooth, light grey | Common Walnut | dark-haired woman, introducing crack ruddy reddish-brown and of stop scaly |
Osage Orange |
harsh, blackish reddish-brown | Wingnut | grey and ochre-beige | Lombardy Black Poplar | blackish grey, bumps on the trunk, low branches | Black poplar | blackish grey in the bottom of the trunk, silvery grey with small rhombs | Grisard poplar | dark grey, forming diagonal ribs | Black Locust | dark grey | Whining willow | dark grey made darker | Japanese Pagodatree |
Other types Light grey, wrinkled bark, marked with annuluses left by the scars of the thrown branches | Araucaria | Bark cut up in small grey to black squares |
Almond tree Aralia Persimmon | Bark grooved by ribs |
Box | Smooth, grey bark, covered with tips or with spectacular "warts" | Zanthoxylum |
- Barks
fibrous brownish grey | Common cypress | red-orange, exfoliating reddish-brown strap-like | Cryptomeria | red reddish-brown | Libocedrus | reddish-brown red, thick and spongy | Giant Sequoia | brownish grey | Occident Arborvitae |
- Stringy bark
brownish grey | Common Juniper |