To identify a tree by its bark - page2

Usually, the different types of barks are :

smooth barks,
smooth slightly cracked ,
smooth, fluted,
harsh shedding in strips,
shedding in flakes,
shedding in scales,
stringy cracked (fissures are vertical),
deeply cracked and some other particular (cut up in squares, tormenteds).

Barks smooth
blackish Snowy Mespilus
gray-green to brownish, hairy Bladder senna
white, smooth, shining, marked with horizontal lines. White Birch
white, smooth, shiny. The bottom of the trunk, and up for the old trees, is cracked with corky ridges in diamond Common Birch
dark grey Buckthorn
black with purple, sheds in circular strips Black Cherry
gold and bright Cherry Prunus serrula
light grey, cracked in long, dark brown (old tree) Spanish chestnut
silvery grey Red oak
grey-green to green Laburnum aubour
light grey slightly cracked, cylindrical trunk Common Beech
silvery gray to dark gray Copper Beech
silvery grey Holly
dark grey with some wrinkles Bay
light grey to dark grey Magnolia of Soulange
dark grey to reddish-brown Mimosa
reddish. Trunk very short, very ramified. Myrica of marshes
reddish-brown-yellow shedding in fine small strips. Often several trunks. Hazel
silvery grey White osier
grey-green, with small rhombs, more and more brought closer in the low part of the trunk as the tree gets old. White Poplar
grayish resin pockets Douglasfir
silvery grey with pustules Fir pectinate
grayish white, then deeply cracked blackish Wisconsin Weeping Willow
silvery grey Goat Willow
light grey. Straight trunk. Mountainash
grey with pustules Sumac
brownish Tamarisk
grey-green then fissured Trembling Aspen
light brown with small horizontal dark features Common privet
Smooth barks
slightly cracked
grey with whitish stains Whitebeam
pale grey Hawthorn
pale grey White thorn
striated green and white Maple of Hers,
Mottled maple
pale grey Fig tree
reddish-brown-black Cherry Plum
reddish-brown-black prunelier
light grey slightly cracked with bumps Linden
Smooth and
fluted barks
greenish grey Common Hornbeam
grey with pustules and protuberances European Hackberry
Harsh barks shedding in
dark red-brown Arbutus
roses, clearing dark, black zones on old subjects. River Birch
white, shining Birch with boats
horizontal, shining, ruddy reddish-brown Wild cherry tree
horizontal, shining, blackish Nerprun purgative
Barks shedding in scales...
pale reddish-brown Catalpa
fibrous reddish-brown-red Common English Yew
reddish-brown-grey with raised ends Horsechestnut
thick, grey and ruddy reddish-brown Larch
ruddy reddish-brown. Shapeless trunk. Medlar
reddish-brown-grey, in scales on young subjects, in flakes on the oldest Turkish Filbert
grey clearing green zones Persian Ironwood
grey clearing green, pink, yellow zones Pine Napoleon
grey or green (foam), clearing yellowish zones (cambium) Plane tree
Barks shedding in flakes...
grey Cedar of Lebanon
light brown Davidia
ruddy reddish-brown with grey Common Norway Spruce
dark grey clearly and yellowish Sycamore
thick, red-purple Maritime pine
reddish-brown-red with big vertical grey flakes Umbrella Pine
grey, blackish to elderly plants, cracked in small scales Whining pine of Himalya
ruddy reddish-brown on the bottom of the trunk, ferruginous red on the top Scotch Pine
square to rectangular, dark brown Wild pear tree
rectangular dark grey in dark brown Wild apple tree
yellowish reddish-brown Black elder
dark brown with clearer scales Hawthorn
black or grey-rose Judas tree
blackish grey Alder
reddish-brown-grey, in small squares Evergreen oak
reddish-brown-black Service tree
dark grey Blood dogwood
clearly in dark grey, separated by blades thick corkies Hedge Maple
grey - lights Common broom
pale grey Ginkgo bilobed
dark grey Liquidambar
with big bumps Black mulberry
blackish reddish-brown Smoothleaf Elm
smooth, silvery grey Mountain elm
reddish-brown-black forming broad flakes Austrian Pine
light grey, harsh Hemlock of Canada
black Tuliptree
light grey to tan, with small white stains Viburnum Opulus
Barks deeply cracked
grey, very thick Cork oak
harsh, blackish reddish-brown English Oak
harsh, blackish reddish-brown, divided into small flakes. Tortuous trunk Pubescent oak
harsh, blackish reddish-brown Sessile oak
harsh, blackish reddish-brown Norway Maple
pale grey Common ash
grey on bottom of pink cambium Chinaberry
dark grey Mirabelle tree
yellow grey Common Hackberry
reddish-brown orange, harsh, grooved by ribs, and slightly deeply cracked Paper Mulberry
smooth, light grey Common Walnut
dark-haired woman, introducing crack ruddy reddish-brown and of stop scaly Osage Orange
harsh, blackish reddish-brown Wingnut
grey and ochre-beige Lombardy Black Poplar
blackish grey, bumps on the trunk, low branches Black poplar
blackish grey in the bottom of the trunk, silvery grey with small rhombs Grisard poplar
dark grey, forming diagonal ribs Black Locust
dark grey Whining willow
dark grey made darker Japanese Pagodatree
Other types
Light grey, wrinkled bark, marked with annuluses left by the scars of the thrown branches Araucaria
Bark cut up in small grey to black squares Almond tree
Bark grooved by ribs Box
Smooth, grey bark, covered with tips or with spectacular "warts" Zanthoxylum  
brownish grey Common cypress
 red-orange, exfoliating reddish-brown strap-like Cryptomeria
 red reddish-brown Libocedrus
reddish-brown red, thick and spongy Giant Sequoia
brownish grey Occident Arborvitae
Stringy bark
brownish grey Common Juniper

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