 Plants productive provided to plant male and female feet in the same neighborhood.
- Hardwood
- Fruit Trees
- Tree of heaven, Ailanthus
Dove Tree, Davidia involucrata
Kentucky Coffee Tree, Gymnocladus Maple, Acer Honey locust, Gleditsia triacanthos Ash, Fraxinus
Holly, Ilex
Katsura, Cercidiphyllum Mulberry, Morus
Poplar, Populus Willows, Salix
- Conifers
- Common Juniper, Juniperus
- Ginkgo biloba
- English yew, Taxus
A decorative FRUIT - Hardwood
- Ginnala Acer , cluster samaras
Acer negundo , samaras clear Ailanthus altissima , dense clusters, July-April of next year Alnus , small cones (2 cm), all winter Arbutus
Arbutus (strawberry sized) in October-December
Catalpa bignonoïdes , 30-50 cm of beans from October to April the following year Cornus, black berries in panicles
Crataegus , until peas red until December Cydonia oblonga , fragrant yellow quinces until December
Diospiros, recalling tomato fruit until November
- Gleditsia triacanthos , 20-30 cm beans until April
Ilex aquifolium , red or yellow peas from August until April Koelreuteria paniculata , clusters of small lanterns
Liquidambar styraciflua, fruit reminiscent of the plane at fall
Liriodendron tulipifera, scaly brownish cones throughout the winter
Maclura pomifera, a sort of orange, yellow-green ripening from May to ; October Malus, small red or yellow apples until December
Paulownia tomentosa, cluster of capsules all winter
Platanus, glomeruli (balls) which release their seeds in spring hairy
Rhus typhina, red-purple cones at the ends of branches
Sorbus, diverse clusters of red fruits from July to November
- Conifers
- Cedrus, cones prepared from 10 cm at maturity in late
Larix, cone drawn 3-4 cm throughout the year
Pinus, fall cone visible all year
Taxus, red arils from July to November