Ash Leaves, seeds and bark of ash contain:
Coumarins (fraxoside) - secoiridoides (excelsiosides) - Tannins - Flavonoids - Minerals - Vitamins C and P.
Leaves: antirheumatic - Diuretics - Analgesics.
Bark: Tonic - Antipyretic - Astringent.
Bladder senna An infusion of leaves has laxative properties.

Leaves, buds and fruit of blackcurrant contain active ingredients: Flavonoids (myrycétol, rutin ..), anthocyanins (delphinidol, cyanidol), vitamins: C, B1, B2, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper, phenolic acids, amino acids, essential oil, tannins, enzymes. Use: Diuretic, eliminator urea and uric acid - antirheumatic - increased capillary resistance.

Boxwood Leaves, bark and seeds contain steroidal alkaloids boxwood.
Possible disorders: vomiting, dizziness, tremors, spinal paralysis. Chance of dermatitis. Useful properties are diaphoretic, antirheumatic and bile duct.

Carrier molecules for toxicity: Anthracene glycosides (2-4%) mainly derived from émodol.
Possible trouble:
The dried bark has purgative properties. Excess causes vomiting, colic, and bloody stools. Berries in large doses cause mydriasis, convulsions.

Eucalyptus Older leaves contain tannins and extracts, consisting of eucalyptol, cineole and phellandrene (eliminated by pulmonary and renal).
Antiseptic - Sputum
Eucalyptus used in excessive doses can be toxic. The cineole is neurotoxic epileptogenic.
Ginkgo The leaves contain:
flavonoids (including biflavones, glycosides of flavones, flavonols) - diterpenes (ginkgolides) - sesquiterpenes (bilobalides) - terpene compounds
Properties: regulation and stimulation of the cerebral circulation - Improved peripheral circulation (hands, legs, feet) - Regulation of capillary permeability - Vasodilator - Protection of the arteries - Antioxidant (by capturing free radicals) effective in retinal and cerebral.
Caution: Do not eat fruits because they are toxic.
Traditionally proposed to treat:
lower limb venous insufficiency - edema - altered consciousness and memory.
Hawthorn The flowers contain flavonoids, the proanthocyanidins, aromatic amines, triterpenes. The berries contain a particular active ingredient called crataégine and oxyacanthine.
Use: cardio tonics and regulating the activity of the heart - Sedative - hypotension (vasodilatory) - Antispasmodic. The berries have an astringent effect
Traditionally proposed to treat:
palpitations - heart pain - atherosclerosis - anxiety - dizziness - tinnitus.
Holly Fruits contain a powerful alkaloid: theobromine, whose effect is violently purgative (vomiting guaranteed).
Laburnum The entire plant is toxic and even fatal. Flowers and seeds are the most dangerous parts. They contain alkaloids (cytosine anagyrine) which cause respiratory problems, salivation, irritation of the gastrointestinal tract and vomiting of blood, until asphyxiation can cause death.

The oak bark contains Quercitanin.
Astringent tonic - Antiseptic - Antidiarrheal - Stimulant
Traditionally proposed to treat:
haemorrhage - diarrhea - angina - Hemorrhoids

The berries contain carrier molecules of toxicity:
glycosides, cardenolide derivatives and theobromine.
Properties: cardiotoxic. Next action of digitalis.
Possible trouble:
gastrointestinal tract irritation, severe diarrhea, vomiting. Possible syncope. Fatal cases described after ingestion of thirty berries (high toxicity localized in the seed).


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