

The hedge delimits a ground, hides a wall or a view unpleasant, preserves intimacy and possibly shelters from the wind. It must be rather dense to conceal view and hide outside, in summer as in winter.

That is why, the persistent shrubs are chosen, as:

False cypress  

It is necessary to avoid alternating them because they have not the same speed of growth and the quickest risk to stifle the slowest. You should not forget that these shrubs can become big: the false cypresses and the arborvitaes are trees of big development, which it is necessary to prune every year since they attained the required height. Do not hesitate to prune them on sides to diminish their breadth

The decorative hedge is less tall and may be less dense. In that case it is often blended, to alternate colours of foliages, blossoming at different dates, or particular fructification in winter.

Here are links towards the descriptive pages of the site for shrubs adapted to hedges, rather cut-view:

  1. Glossy abelia, Abelia uniflora : its foliage is semi-persistent, blossoming in summer 
  2. Arbutus, Arbutus unedo Called also the tree of strawberries for its fruits at the turn of the year 
  3. Aucuba japonica: its foliage is persistent, thick, tough. It is dioecious (there are male feet and female feet). It appreciates half-shade. 
  4. Barberry or thorn-Barberry, Berberis darwinii and stenophylla : Adapted in defensive hedge, this hardy shrub supports as well shade as sun. Its thorns are a danger for the children.  
  5. Boxwood , Buxus sempervirens : shrub persistent, it grows very slowly, whic makes it a little adapted for a hedge. Varieties ' Rotundifolia ' and ' Angustifolia ' attain 2 m tall in 8 years.  
  6. Ceanothus, Ceanothus arboreus, impressus and thysiflorus: shrubs with persistent foliage, they distinguish themselves by a blue blossoming. Prune the old woods.  
  7. Hornbeam, Carpinus orientalis : This tree in the marcescent foliage (its leaves stay in winter) can be pruned in village free hedges or in hedges pruned by arbours. It is a bit outmoded.  
  8. Cotoneaster, Cotoneaster franchetii and C. lactea: the first is in deciduous foliage, the second dark green evergreen. It is necessary to prune them to give them a form and to avoid the insulated branches.  
  9. Eleagnus, Eleagnus x ebbingei : Bush in the very dense foliage and of nice silver colour, it stretches in width then becomes falling again. Its flowers exude a captivating fragrance.  
  10. Redclaws, Redclaws macrantha and punctata : It is semi-persistent. Blossoming from May till September.  
  11. Spindle tree, Euonymus europaeus and alatus : the foliage and the fruits of the spindle tree will shine brightly in a village decorative hedge. A severe pruning is necessary so that it widens.  
  12. English Yew, Taxus baccata : This tree grows slowly and fits to all soils humus except too humid and in all positions. It is necessary to prune it to make a regular hedge.  
  13. Cherry-red laurel and Portuguese Cherry Laurel, Prunus laurocerasus and Prunus lusitanica : shrubs with persistent foliage which support pruning well. Nice blossoming in white, upright clusters in spring.  
  14. Laurel tin, Viburnum tinus: It is not related to the previous one. Its flowers and its fruits are more discreet. It is sensitive to the cold winds.   
  15. Orange tree of Mexico, Choisya ternata: It emits a subtle fragrance. It fears the cold winds (-20 °).   
  16. Holly Osmanthus, Osmanthus burkwoodii and O. heterophyllus: its tough leaves remind those of the holly (but they are smooth margin). It attains 4 m tall. 
  17. Photinia "'Red Robin": This shrub remarkable for its red foliage will require several cuts to widen and to ramify.   
  18. Pyracantha or burning shrub, hybrid Pyracantha : Adapted in defensive hedge, this shrub fears cochineal insects and fire blight. Its leaves edged with rigid thorns are a danger for the children.  
  19. Skimmia, Skimmia japonica: wrongly considered as a ericaceous plant, it appreciates moist soils.   
  20. Privets, Privet vulgare, ovalifolium, lucidum, japonicum and sinense : It will keep a size of shrub only if it is regularly pruned (in tree it achieves 20 m tall). They tolerate all soil types and all positions.  

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