
Myrte luma, Myrtus luma

shrub of the family Myraceas

myrtus lumaOrigin : Chile.
Habitat : sunny.
Hardiness : zone 10 (it supports cold until 0°C).
Growth: slow.
Maximum size : 5 m tall.
Form : bushy or erect.
Trunk: straight or multiple stems.
Bark: smooth detaching plates, orange.
Deciduous Leaves opposite, entire 1-3 cm long, oval, slightly aromatic, dark green above, coppery-brown when young.
White or pink flowers in axillary cymes, scanty (called "pauciflorous). 4-5 sepals, 4-5 petals, spreading. Stamens numerous, exceeding the petals.
Fruit: berry many-seeded. Myrtus luma gives flowers and fruits only if it has received sufficient heat, much like the Lilac Indies. The berries are aromatic, spherical, red then black at maturity. They are popular with birds.
Use: decorative shrub. It can be pruned as a hedge.

Planting advice : in colder climates of northern France, consider planting your Myrtus luma near a wall that will return the little heat in winter and the house from cold winds and frost.

Maintenance advice :
Prune your Myrtle Luma in late winter. Cut the dead or diseased wood and branches that intersect to keep only the strong branches and maintain a beautiful port.


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