
Noble fir, Abies procera or nobilis

Origin: west coast of North America.
Height: 85 m in its natural habitat, 50 m in Europe (higher firs).
Shape: conical on young subjects, spread as it matures.
Lifespan: 500 years.
Needles in bottlebrush (beaming around the stem), bent, grey-blue. They are more or less bluish (glaucous) according to varieties. Underside is scratched with 2 white stomatal bands. Stems stand up in the tip, as candles, revealing the clear face of the underside of needles.
Male catkins yellow-red under the leaves at the end, to facilitate the dissemination of pollen to the wind. Females reddish back, upright, in the spring.
Upright, cylindrical cones, 25 cm long, 5-8 cm broad. They are green then brown. They distinguish themselves by salient, visible bracts and curved downward.
Utility: nice ornamental tree. 

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