Birds in trees

Some trees are used as shelters for birds: as well trees anemophilous with no insects to give and trees with flowers which attract insects.

  1. Alder, Alnus glutinosa: it grows in margin of streams, on riverbanks and in wetlands. It attracts insects (although it does not have flower to be gathered, but its fruits feed birds in winter) :
    Peaks, Tits, Creepers of trees, warblers, flambé Sizerins, Siskins of alders.

    Creeper: it issues a shriek and strident, TSIIII-TSIIIII. Solitary bird, it climbs (as his name points it out) on the trunks of trees by turning (in aircraft propeller), by polling the bark to discover insects and eggs of insects there. Its beak is bent to snoop about better slack periods and to catch insects. Once arrived at the top of the tree, it goes back down by flying up to another tree, because it cannot go down along the tree as the nuthatch. It is 13 cm long, with a rather long tail feathers which are rigid enough to allow them to take support on the trunk of tree. It has reddish-brown nuances on the back, with streaks or pale stains, and the belly is of a white uni, grey or brown pale. Its beak is bent to search under the bark. These birds live in the wooded zones and pass unobserved due to their color, which is confused with the bark.
    Green woodpecker: it makes TR - TR - TR - TR, against a tree trunk, as a hammer-foreman. It searches the ants and the worms in the lawn. It is capable of clinging to the trunks of trees and of piercing the bark of their beak, to capture insects. Peaks have a beak cutting in the form of scissors, and a long stretchy language end of which is hard and pointed as a spear. Peaks nest generally in holes of trees. The green woodpecker (or green woodpecker), coloured bird, as its name suggests, with a back and wings olive green, clear belly, one yellow croup and a red crown.

  2. Birch, Betula pendula: It is the favourite tree of birds. Gives seeds and attracts insects. Redpolls feed in spring of its catkins.

  3. Hornbeam, Carpinus betulus: his seeds are appreciated by the Greenfinches.
    Greenfinch: its shouting is characteristic, GRIIIIIIIIIIIIII, as a drill! It sings only by flying: repeated notes.
  4. Oak, Quercus: the different species of oaks are good shelters forv (nidification.

  5. Common ash, Fraxinus excelsior: in winter, its samaras constitute food appraised by birds.

  6. Juniper, Juniper communis: its fruits are appreciated by birds and it is a good nidification site.

    Beech, Fagus sylvatica: beechnuts are appreciated by birds.

  7. Holly, Ilex aquifolium: it serves for nidification. Many insects live there. Its red berries are appreciated by birds in winter.

  8. Common Hazel, Corylus axellana: it attracts insects and birds as the blue tit. In winter, the torchepot Nuthatch appreciates its hazelnuts.
    Nuthatch: EIGHT EIGHT EIGHT EIGHT EIGHT - EIGHT, 8 - 9 times in succession, or 3 times in succession or twice. Solitary bird of 14 cm. Nuthatches are capable of moving on the vertical surfaces of the trunks of trees and even under branches by using their long and efficient claws. They poll the bark in search of insects, of larvas and of eggs. They also feed on seeds and on nuts, opening them by hitting the rigid external layer with their beak. Nuthatches nest in natural crack or in nests, coiled in holes left by peaks and other birds. The nest is edged with pieces of bark, of hair, of grass and of feathers. It arrives at the torchepot nuthatch to use some mud to reduce the size of its nest.

  9. Aspen, Populus tremula: it is rich in insects and appreciated by the Tits and Warblers.

    Blue tit : its song is discreet (TSI-silence-TSI-silence-TSI-silence-TSI). They search their food in bands, often together with goldcrests, with nuthatches and with sugar bowls. They have rather visible plumages and are obliged to hide, to nest, in holes of tree, or artificial niches (or even of letter boxes !), exposed to the Southeast (because of bad weather, but this depends on the region). The blue tit is smaller (4,5 cm) than the great tit (14 cm). It can use the same type of birdhouse that its congener, but it reduces the opening. She can go up to the trunk of trees, other tits.
    great tit : TI-TU SILENCE TI-TU SILENCE TI-TU. Not to confuse with TI-TU-TI-TU-TI-TU (8 regular notes) of the nuthatch. The great tit carries a black blindfold on the head and a "bib" on the jabot. Its beak is short to break seeds. It gives birth to about 20 babies and makes 2 - 3 broods. Statistically, the single nestling will survive. Others die in general from deficient nutrition. The Marsh Tit carries a black task on the head. She hops of branch in branch.

  10. Plane tree, Platanus acerifolia: the broken branches create so many holes in the trunk that birds use as shelter, such as Nuthatches torchepot.
  11. Whining willow, Salix caprea: it produces seeds in autumn which birds appreciate, such as the Tits....
Trees with flowers:

  1. Wild cherry tree, Prunus avium: he serves for nidification. Its fruits, wild cherries, are edible for birds.

  2. Mountainash, Sorbus aucuparia: many berries in autumn.

  3. Black elder, Sambucus nigra: the flowers of the black Elder attract insects and birds eat its berries in autumn.
Conifers are also good nidification sites, shelters against bad weather. They give seeds or berries (yew tree).
Recognize some birds with their behaviour:

which bird climbs trees, in spiral? the creeper
which bird circulates on the branches in all directions, head downward? the nuthatch
which bird explores the underside of leaves? the tit

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