
Osage Orange tree
Maclura pomifera

tree of the family Moraceae
(Breadfruit, Fig tree, Jackfruit, Blackberry, Orange tree of Osages, Pippal)

The family Moraceae includes about 70 genera and one thousand species: it is trees or shrubs most often tropical, producing the latex, with leaves alternate, simple, entire or more or less lobbed.
Origin: United States, discovered by the French missionary Jacques Marquette in 1673, in the Missouri, region of the Indians Osages.
Habitat: fertile soil and moist. Sunny site.
Height: 12 m tall.
Form (insulated tree): spread.
Bark: orange with reddish-brown, tormented. Yellow wood.
Deciduous leaves with long petiole, acuminate (in fine tip); accepted by silkworms (common with the mulberry). They remain yellow in autumn.
Small greenish flowers in June, in bowls (glomerules), ruffled of stigmata papilose (as in the Paper Mulberry), on separated subjects (species dioecious).
Small fruits, agglomerated (like mulberry mulberry), globular mass, bumpy, green, the size of an orange (10-12 cm diameter), appearing from June until autumn and magnifying; inedible. These are false fruits brought by the magnification of other parts of the flower, as the receptacle (as in the fig).
Uses: the North American Indians of the tribe of Osages made arches with its wood. They dyed their face with the yellow latex extracted from the fruit.


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