

 Mixed dogwoods
shrubs of the family Cornaceae

They share:

Height:7-8 m, except Cornus mas ' Variegata ' (1-2 m).
Spreading Form, safe Cornus mas ' Variegata ' (upright).
Habitat: sunny. Deep, not calcareous, well-drained soil.
Deciduous green foliage was variegated by white or by rose, sometimes by yellow (like the left: guess about what a Dogwood it is, by reading detailed description below!). 

to the right: Cornus mas ' Variegata'

Varieties Mixed foliage of: Flowers Blossoming
Cornus mas ' Variegata' white (fine and crinkled leaves) Babies cymes of white flowers July
Cornus alternifolia 'Argentea' white (similar foliage in Controversa but finer) Babies cymes of white flowers April
Cornus controversa ' Variegata' white, becoming yellow in autumn Broad cymes of white flowers May
Cornus florida Cherokee Daybreak white Flowers with white bracts encircling tiny flowers May
Cornus florida Cherokee Sunset white Fleursin bracts red rose encircling tiny flowers May
Cornus florida First Lady yellow Flowers with white bracts encircling tiny flowers May
Cornus florida ' Rainbow' gold yellow in spring, then green soft becoming more squalid Flowers with white bracts encircling tiny flowers May
Cornus florida Welchii white and pink, turning to the red and purple in autumn. Flowers with white bracts encircling tiny flowers April

answer: Cornus controversa variegata

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