
This rubric displays 2.500 photos taken either flat (leaves, flat fruits as the samaras of maples, small flowers of species anemophilous), or on the ground (bark, outlines, landscapes, landscapes under the snow).

You may notice that a tree has very various aspects throughout the year:

  1. The winter sees breaking buds and emphasises the bark and the trunk of trees as well as the form of the crown,
  2. Spring is for a lot of trees the period of the stripping of buds then of flower, triggered by the warming of air and soil,
  3. The summer sees maturing fruits,
  4. The autumn sounds the toll of the leaves which break loose in a firework of colours,
    Keep your eyes and see the same trees throughout the year.
    To recognize the trees, walking, and identify the leaves are a means, imperfect, but often irrelevant.
    If it is a tree with simple leaf, having made the measures of bigger length hard bigger width (help you of this grid), then go to the identification page to set your request.
    To recognize trees can be learned step by step, by beginning with some characteristic trees (oaks, maples, plane trees, lindens, cherry trees for example). Nothing easier than to constitute a herbarium:
  5. either virtual, copying on a page (eg Word) some pictures of this website that I gladly authorize to use for educational purposes.
  6. either real; use the autumn to pick up leaves recently fallen (yet turned brown, nor crinkled). Make them dry flat between two sheets of absorbing paper, newsprint for example (no glossy paper of a magazine), under a weight of books or of directories. In 2000, I displayed some boards to the public.
It is necessary to know that the leaves of a nice yellow, for example some cherry trees, lose their colours fast and turn to a sad brown. Form remains unchanged and allows to identify the tree. Note possibly where are the trees the leaves of which you take a sample and go back to see them in spring, to recognize their new foliage and their pace.

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