Trees (11/31)

Field Maple, Hedge Maple, outline
Field Maple, Hedge Maple
Acer campestre
Field Maple, Hedge Maple, outline
Field Maple, Hedge Maple
Acer campestre
Field Maple, Hedge Maple, outline
Field Maple, Hedge Maple
Acer campestre
Flowering Ash, outline
Flowering Ash
Fraxinus ornus
Flowering Ash, outline
Flowering Ash
Fraxinus ornus
Flowering Dogwood, outline
Flowering Dogwood
Cornus florida
Flowering Dogwood, outline
Flowering Dogwood
Cornus florida
Gean, Wild cherry, Sweet cherry, outline
Gean, Wild cherry, Sweet cherry
Prunus avium
Gean, Wild cherry, Sweet cherry, outline
Gean, Wild cherry, Sweet cherry
Prunus avium
Gean, Wild cherry, Sweet cherry, outline
Gean, Wild cherry, Sweet cherry
Prunus avium
Gean, Wild cherry, Sweet cherry, outline
Gean, Wild cherry, Sweet cherry
Prunus avium
Gean, Wild cherry, Sweet cherry, outline
Gean, Wild cherry, Sweet cherry
Prunus avium

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