Trees (17/31)

Judas tree with white flowers, outline
Judas tree with white flowers
Cercis siliquastrum alba
Katsura Tree, outline
Katsura Tree
Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Kermes Oak, outline
Kermes Oak
Quercus coccifera
Korean Evodia, outline
Korean Evodia
Evodia daniellii
Korean Evodia, outline
Korean Evodia
Evodia daniellii
Kousa Dogwood, outline
Kousa Dogwood
Cornus kousa
Lace-Bark Pine, outline
Lace-Bark Pine
Pinus bungeana
Laciniated Alder, outline
Laciniated Alder
Alnus glutinosa Imperialis
Lasiocarpa Poplar, outline
Lasiocarpa Poplar
Populus lasiocarpa
Lasiocarpa Poplar, outline
Lasiocarpa Poplar
Populus lasiocarpa
London Plane, Hybrid Plane, outline
London Plane, Hybrid Plane
Platanus acerifolia
London Plane, Hybrid Plane, outline
London Plane, Hybrid Plane
Platanus acerifolia

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