

Shrubs are of a decorative interest principally. Some are appreciated in hedges. Furthermore they require in general little maintenance (a few leaves to pick up in autumn, wilted flowers to take away and the firewood to cut). They always enter in the composition of a garden, to hide a fence, to attract the look, to break the monotony of a lawn or to compose colors which will emphasise other decorative elements, trees, statues, paths, for example. Their colour comes from flowers and from the foliage, variegated foliage (variety of Andromeda, for example) or silver underside (variety of Elaeagnus), without forgetting the colours of the autumn (Hamamelis mollis or carlesii Viburnum for example).
Conifers are not described in this rubric, because they attain always or almost sizes of trees. There are dwarf varieties, for example blue Fir, which I describe among trees.

You choose flowering shrubs spread over the year or producing interesting foliage or fruit in the fall or winter. Here are links to listings of the site and to the pages of our partners (marked with this sign)

Blossoming in spring:

Andromeda 'Mountain Fire, Pieris japonica ' Mountain Fire'  
Japanese azalea, Rhododendron azalea  
Quince tree of Japan, Chaenomeles japonica  
Kousa Dogwood, Cornus kousa  
Flowering Dogwood, Cornus florida  
Deutzia gracilis  
Witch hazel of Virginia, Hamamelis mollis  
Kerria japonica  
Kolkwitzia amabilis  
Portuguese Cherry Laurel, Prunus lusitanica  
Laurestine, Viburnum tinus  
Magnolia liliiflora ' Nigra'  
Magnolia x Loebneri  
Mock Orange, Philadelphus coronarius  
Spirea, Spiraea  
Spring tamarisk, Tamarix tetrandra  
Common viburnum, Viburnum lantana  
Viburnum pragense  
Viburnum tomentosum  
Xanthoceras sorbifolium  

Summer blossoming:

Glossy abelia, Abelia uniflora her foliage is semi-persistent 
Butterfly Tree, Buddleia  
Oleander, Nerium oleander  
Bottle Brush, Callistemon citrinus laevis  
Summer tamarisk, Tamarix petandra  

For autumn-winter :

Bodinier's Beautyberry, Callicarpa bodinieri  
Blood dogwood, Cornus sanguinea  
Cotoneaster franchetii  
Japanese Maple with serrated leaves, Acer palmatum 'Dissectum'  
Euonymus europaeus  
Hamamelis mollis  
Laurestine, Viburnum tinus  
Tortuous Hazel, Corylus avellana ' Contorta'  
Persian Ironwood, Parrotia persica  
Staghorn Sumac, Rhus typhina  

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