
Trifoliate Orange, Poncirus trifoliata

shrub of the family Rutaceae
(Lemon tree, Eucommia, Korean Evodia, Mandarin tree, Orange tree, Amur Corktree, Ptelea, Zanthoxylum).

Etymology: "trifoliata" means trifoliate or "with three leaflets".
Origin: Poncirus trifoliata is native to China as the orange tree.
Habitat: shrub preferring a sunny position. Poncirus trifoliata does not appreciate limestones.
Hardiness: zone 7 (it supports cold until -17 °C or 1 °F). The Trifoliate Orange is one of the rare citrus fruit tree to withstand the cold.
Height: 4 m tall.
Shape: spread.
Right or numerous trunk.
Deciduous or semi-persistent foliage. The leaves of Poncirus trifoliata are lobed, in climate with cold winters. They can be semi-persistent in mild climate.
Flowers in May-June, of white colour and often odorous.
Fruits: in autumn. They resemble small oranges 3-4 cm in diameter and yellow to slightly velvety skin. The fruit contains poncirine, which makes it unfit for consumption.
Use: decorative shrub. Is not recommended in the gardens accessible to children because Poncirus trifoliata has robust spines.
Advices of planting: Poncirus trifoliata is reproduced by seedling.


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