

Lutea Virgilia, Cladrastis lutea

tree of the family Fabaceae - subfamily Papilionaceae
(Bladder senna, Laburnum, Locust tree, Japanese Pagodatree of Japan, Yellowwood)

Etymology: from greek Klados, "branch" and thraustos, "fragile" because of the brittle twigs. "Yellow wood" recalls that the wood turns yellow or brown when cut.
Sorry, your browser does not support Java Origin: East of the United States.
Variety chinese : Cladrastis sinensis.
Habitat: tree few demanding on the nature of the soil, provided that it is deep and light.
Height: 12-15 m tall.
Shape: spread.
Bark : grey covered with pustules as a rhinoceros leather. She reminds the bark of the beech.
Leaves alternate, composed of 30 cm long; 7 - 11 leafletsalternate on both sides of the rachis ; final bigger leaflet than others (10 cm); they are colored with yellow in the fall. Sinuous, slender spine rachis.
White or yellow flowers, melliferous, of 2 cm grouped in long pendulous clusters (40 cm), in June (nice plants in the flower Park of Paris).
Fruits: flattened pods, of 5-10 cm, in August-September.

Uses: yellow wood, which tans in air (" Yellow wood ") with rifle butts, yellow dye. Yellow colors of fall foliage makes a beautiful ornamental tree.

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