
Zelkova, Zelkova carpinifolia

tree of the family Ulmaceae
(European Hackberry, Elm, Zelkova).

Etymology: "Zelkova" comes from "Dzelva", its name in the Caucasus. "carpinifolia" reminds that it has leaves similar to those of charm.
Origin: Caucasus, introduced into Europe in the XVIIIth century (in Paris, in 1782).
Habitat: Zelkova appreciates the sunny zones.
Hardiness: zone 6 (it supports cold until -23 °C or -9 °F).
Lifespan : 300 years.
Form (insulated tree): straight crown. Upright branches, as the charm.
Height: 35 m tall.
Its bark exfoliates like that of the plane tree to reveal an orange layer (cambium).

Its harsh and toothed leaves resemble those of the Elm in smaller (5 cm) and more sharpened, and those of Hornbeam in more oval. Their base is slightly asymmetrical. They turn to yellow-orange at fall.
Fruits are small drupes (nucules), in the axil of leaves.

Other varieties:
Zelkova of Japan, Zelkova serrata,
It is very resistant to cold (zone 3:-40 °).
Height: 20 m tall. Very slender leaves.

Zelkova of China, Zelkova sinensis, with less sharpened leaves.


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