
Hemlock of Canada, Tsuga canadensis

Conifer with persistent leaves,
of the family Pinaceae (Cedar, Norway Spruce, Larch, Pine, Fir, Hemlock)

Etymology: Japanese name.
Origin: North America, East Coast.
Height: 25-30 m tall.
Shape: broad and irregular. The young stems hang.
Bark: ash, ruddy reddish-brown inside.
Long needles from 10 to 15 mm, with a short petiole, and narrowing towards end. The short stems are raised, showing the whitish underside of needles, which gives to the whole foliage a clearer colouring.
Flowers: males grouped in small round catkins of a clear greenish yellow; females, terminals, of a squalid green.
Fruits: cones, small and pendulous, constituted by persistent scales which protect the winged seeds.
Use: the resin treated the scurvy, as it is said, of the seamen at the time of Jacques Cartier. This tree with elegant and light foliage, the young stems of which hang gracefully, is very ornamental. It supports well to be pruned and it is often used in hedges.

Western Hemlock

Origin: North America, West coast.
Habitat: altitude and humid climate. Introduced into Brittany notably.
Height: 60 m tall.
Shape: of a pyramid, with a bowed arrow.
Flattened, soft needles, heterophyllous, white underside, disposed in plan.
Cones pendulous, falling entire on the soil.
Use: its wood without resinous channels is used in joinery.  


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