Turkish Filbert, Corylus colurna 
Origin: Turkey.
Height: 20-25 m.
Form (insulated tree): broad, pyramidal.
Bark: light grey, dividing into fine curly scales. The young branches are pubescent and glandular and become later cracked and corky.
Deciduous foliage. The leaf of the Turkish Filbert resembles that of the Linden, but with a longer petiole (or leafstalk). It is widely oval or obovate, in the form of heart, sometimes lobbed, Pointed end and limb edged with double teeth. The ribs of the lower face are sometimes pubescent.
The male catkins appear in September (below).
The fruit (below) surrounded by an involucre of 4 cm is larger than the nut. It is rich in oil and used in the sugar industry, particularly in Spain and Italy.   |