Varnish Tree, Koelreuteria paniculatafamily Sapindaceae (Lichee, Longan, Varnish Tree, Xanthoceras)Etymology: it is called "Varnish Tree", such as the lacquer tree, yielding substances used to make varnish or lacquer.Origin: Caribbean islands, China, Japan, Korea; discovered by Incarville in 1750, introduced into France in 1789 in the arboretum Louis-de-Vilmorin, in Verrières-le-Buisson, in the South of Paris. Habitat: it supports pollution and prefers sunny situations to flourish well. It tolerates drought. Height: 12-15 m tall. Quick growth. Shape: in dome to spread. Bark: brown, cracked in long and in zigzag. Deciduous leaves: imparipinnate (sometimes bipinnates), 20 to 40 cm long, leaflets (9 - 15) very serrated and characteristic. Yellow, small flowers, grouped in huge 35 cm panicles, in July. Fruits in capsules bladder-likes puffed out, brown, which stay on the tree in winter. Tradition: in China, tree adorning the tombs of the mandarins. Uses: the bark and the fruit contain the saponin which is used to make the natural soap in Asia. With the round and black seeds, rosaries are made. |
Koelreuteria integrifoliaIt is native to China and attains a size somewhat bigger than K. paniculata. |
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