
Taxodium distichum

tree of the family Taxodiaceae (Athrotaxis, Cryptoméria, Cunninghamia, Baldcypress, Glyptostrobus, Dawn Redwood, Sequoia, Taïwania)

Conifer with deciduous leaves

Etymology: it is named "bald", because it loses its leaves, every year, which is rare for a conifer (other examples: Larch, Dawn Redwood).
Origin: the bald cypress is originated rom southeast of the United States, on the periphery of golf of Mexico. It appreciates marshes (where plants epiphyteses drop strange filament). It was introduced into England by John Tradescent (1570-1638), gardener of the king Charles Ier. Some cypresses bald were planted in Europe in the XIXth century.
Habitat: marsh margins, in the sun or in half shade. The bald cypress supports substrates boggy, flooded and difficult of access. It reproduces by roots in the periphery of a first bald cypress, so that young plants can split in a circle very visible (example in the forest of Rambouillet and in the park of Chamarande, Essonne).
Lifespan: 600 years (life in its origin country).
Height: 40-50 m (he is higher in its origin country).
Form (insulated tree): of a pyramid.
Bark: fibrous, deeply cracked longitudinally. The bald cypress has amazing "pneumatophoreses", excrescences of the roots which pick up (" Phore ") the air ("pneu ").

Short needles (<1 cm), soft, light green. They fall every winter.

Flowers: lower cases, at the top of the twig , from autumn to produce a fruit in spring following.

Fruit in scaly bowl.

Where to see near Paris: several are planted on islands, and margins of the lake, in the wood of Vincennes, as well as in the Bagatelle garden (wood of Boulogne).

Pyramidal Baldcypress or cypress of ponds, Taxodium ascendens

It distinguishes itself from the previous one by very fine needles. Its branches are going up. It can attain 25 m tall and live 1.000 years. It was introduced into Europe (into parks) in 1789.

Where to see near Paris:
arboretum of Chatenay-Malabry.


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