
Laburnum, Laburnum vulgare, Laburnum anagyroïdes

tree of the family Fabaceae - subfamily Papilionaceae
(Bladder senna, Laburnum, Locust tree, Japanese Pagodatree of Japan, Yellowwood)

Etymology: from the Greek island Kytisos.
Origin: Southern Europe.
Species: the Laburnum of Battandier, Cytisus battandieri, native to Morocco, has leaves in silver silky reflexions. It decorates with flowers later that the laburnum, late May early June. Its flowers in yellow spikes have a subtle fragrance which recalls the quince or the strawberry.

Habitat: thermophilic, pioneer of limestones.
Height: 7-9 m tall.
Form (insulated tree): spread.
Grey-green bark in green.
Deciduous foliage. Leaves composed of 3 elliptical leaflets and a long petiole (or leafstalk). Squalid green.
Flower papilionaceous, in long yellow clusters (20 - 50 cm according to species), of a nice effect, at early May. Some species have fawn flowers or crimson.
Fruit: toxic pod (contains the cytosine which gives respiratory disturbances).
Danger: All plant is toxic and even lethal. Flowers and seeds are the most dangerous parts. They contain alkaloids (cytisine, anagyrine) that cause salivation, irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, bloody vomiting, asphyxia may lead to death.


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