
Fiddle leaf fig, Ficus lyrata

tree of the family Moraceae

Etymology: This fig tree is nicknamed "lyre" because of the form of lyre of its leaf.
Origin: Tropical or subtropic Africa. It was introduced into France by 1895.
Habitat: rich soil, humus, drained. The Fiddle leaf fig is a species of sun, half-shade in its original area. It can be cultivated in a flat in a luminous site without direct sun. As all ficuses It does not like to be moved and fears drafts.
Hardiness: zone 11 (supported minimal temperature: 7 ° or 45°F).
Height: 12 m in its original area. In a flat, it will not exceed the height of the ceiling!
Shape: narrow upright .
Numerous trunks.
Bark: red reddish-brown cracking with age and turning towards grayish.
Persistent foliage. Big leaves alternate, short petiole, tough, bright, dark green on the top, clearer underside, of 40 cm long on 20 cm wide. Wavy margin. The leaves of the fig lyre are in the form of lyre. Nerveses are salient and clearer.
Flowers: born in spring by pair in the axil of leaves, unisexual inside protruding syconiums, sessiles (without petiole), of 3 cm long.

Advices of culture in pot:

It is recommended to repot the Ficus lyrata at the beginning of the spring.
Except in winter, water, taking care to let the substrate dry between waterings, do not overwater or allow stagnant water in the saucer of the pot because excess moisture can cause root rot. Make a liquid fertilizer for green plant every fortnight from May to September.
In summer, the Ficus lyrata can be moved outside, sheltered from the wind.
In winter, sprinkle sparingly.
As with all Ficus in apartment, clean the leaves with a damp sponge.

Finally, the Ficus lyrata is sensitive to cochineal insects and to dust mites (Tetranychus urticae) in too dry atmosphere.

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